Quality antique furniture usually was handmade by master craftsmen who took great pride in their work.
Lovers of beautifully designed and made furniture tend to also love antiques. Antique furniture, such as antique cabinets, was made well enough to have lasted for generations, and time usually adds to the rich patina of the wood finishes. The workmanship and materials used in antique cabinet furniture is often superior to what can be found in the modern world. Quality antique furniture usually was handmade by master craftsmen who took great pride in their work. There are many of these venerable works for sale in many sizes, from small corner ones to large ones suitable to display entire collections of silverware and china. Prices vary according to the quality and rarity of the price, but can easily exceed $1,000.
Finding a beautiful antique cabinet may tempt a lover of fine things to snap it up, but the cabinet could be a white elephant if it clashes with other home furnishings, or will be very difficult to coordinate with any other furniture. An eclectic collection of antiques may work in some situations, but generally, antiques should be selected on the same basis as other fine furnishings. The style and materials should be ones that will please the homeowner and enhance the home’s decor.
There is no point in looking for beautiful antique cabinets, finding a lovely one, and then realizing it is too small or large for the space it is meant to be located. Shoppers should first carefully measure and re-measure the space and decide on the maximum and minimum length, heights and widths the cabinet should have and confine the search to cabinets fitting in that range. Taking a chance on the wrong size could be disastrous, if the piece simply is too large or small. Returning it could be expensive and difficult, especially if the buyer has to pay return shipping.
Buyers who are not authorities on the authenticity of antique cabinets might want to start shopping with reputable retailers who offer antiques such as Neiman Marcus. This well-known retailer has a nice selection of antique cabinets that can be seen at their online site dating from the 18th through the 20th century priced at $365 – $380. They also have beautiful cabinets with Chinese motifs that are extremely striking and ornate. One, named “Antique Dragon Cabinet” sells for $400; a second larger one, the “Red Antique Side Cabinet” costs $750. If you love the rich colors and styles of Chinese cabinetry, two other cabinets that are real show-stoppers for lovers of this genre would be their Blue Antique Side cabinet or the Blue Antique Kang cabinet. Their decorative features include gold carvings, and blue lacquer finish. Although the distressed blue lacquer finish is new, the items still merit consideration at prices of $633 for the antique side cabinet and $990 for the Kang.
Another source of antique cabinets is the Indian subcontinent. They are very unique in style, and may not mesh with furnishings, or be so different that they can be the one unique item to give a room special interest. Amazon.com has many dealers who carry these. For example, there is one Indian cabinet, a hand-carved wooden armoire priced at only $600. Another antique hand-carved armoire cabinet of teak from Jaipur is only $840. They have rustic doors with intricately carved panels in rich dark wood. Another online site that has a selection of antique cabinets from India is eBay. When shopping, keep in mind that initial price does not tell the whole story; whether or not you pay the shipping can determine which seller truly offers the best deal.