Good quality exterior Log Home Stain should go a long way in protecting your home from the harshness of winter.
Log Home Stain colors or tints should conform to the colors of the trim to look right. There are many shades from which to choose and the end results can sometimes be not what were intended. Many home improvement centers have paint departments that have small containers of paint samples the homeowner can take home to compare and make a decision. Color is important but the quality of stain can vary and going cheap will likely leave the user less than pleased with the results.
Good quality exterior Log Home Stain should go a long way in protecting your home from the harshness of winter. Mold can become a problem during the months when the humidity levels are high. The north side of a home will always be subjected to mold and mildew. It is always a good idea to power wash the affected areas when the sight of growth is noticeable.
Many products on the market have chemicals that offer a barrier of protection for the increased life of the wood surface. Also, these products can protect your wood from hungry insects and nesting ants that chew and tunnel through wood. Inside, the Log Home Stain can be applied by roller or brush using a clear finish. This will bring out the natural beauty of the log timbers. Many homes sit below tree canopies and shade the sun makes it dark in the home.
When stain is applied that has dark tones, the interior of the home can be dark and unappealing. Dark stains will look great on trim work throughout the home and will compliment the overall effect. To protect and seal the wood, a coat of urethane can be applied to offer long lasting life to the logs and beams. This also makes it much easier to clean the surfaces.