The smoothness of the fabric very much depends on the thickness of the yarn in combination with the thread count.
A linen duvet cover has the advantage that it keeps you warm during the winter months while at the same time feeling cool and fresh during the summer time. This is due to the fact that, unlike cotton, linen stalks are hollow which provides for very good insulation and the ability to easily absorb moisture like body sweat. Cotton misses that quality as it is not very good at drying once it is wet.
The cotton fibers are very fine and spun together to form a piece of yarn. The smoothness of the fabric very much depends on the thickness of the yarn in combination with the thread count. Again the finer the yarn, the higher the thread count, quality and price of the cotton.
The quality of linen is measured by weight as the strands that make up the yarn are much larger and hollow inside which makes it excellent for absorbing moisture. That also means that thread count is of no importance as the stalks of the flax plant are impossible to weave as tightly together as cotton.
Not unlike traditional comforter covers linen duvet covers come in a variety of sizes and patterns like colorful animal print bedding for children or the more traditional colors for adults.
Just to avoid confusion, what most Americans call a duvet cover is actually a duvet or down comforter set. So a duvet cover is really the protective cover that goes over and shields your down comforter set. Needless to say that it is much easier to wash a duvet cover instead of a full comforter set.
Maintenance of a linen duvet cover is pretty straight forward as long as you use an ultra soft detergent and a gentle washing cycle. To avoid wrinkling and ensure their durability duvet covers should be hung up to dry in the open air. If this is not an option be sure to use the lowest setting on your electric dryer as well.