Some of these clocks just didn’t give you the time but they have the day, month, year and even the temperature.
We drove into the city the other day to do some shopping at the mall and this sign at this one shop caught our attention. It said Welcome To The Digital World.
This shop was absolutely amazing. It had robots, automatic vacuum cleaners, computers, video games and the biggest collection of wall clocks that we had ever seen. Some of them would go coo coo, others would just ring and others you could program a message into. Great, now we can have the clock tell our guest “It’s time to leave”!
This shop had so many clocks that it was very hard to choose which one would go with our house. You see they come in a variety of styles; contemporary, modern, old fashion, analog, digital and everything in between. Heck let’s just get one for every room in the house.
Some of these clocks just didn’t give you the time but they have the day, month, year and even the temperature. They can even tell you your horoscope. This shop had it all. And most of these clocks you don’t need to plug in, they run on batteries and not just the big bulky kind but those tiny little lithium batteries that last longer than the last dog we owned.
Feeling a bit overwhelmed we stepped out of the shop and went next door to the bar to grab a drink and try to figure out what to do next. The decision was making our heads spin. As we sat down at the bar, right above the array of whiskey bottles and wine was this very simple digital wall clock; the display read 10:00 AM.
Oh my God we thought. It’s too early to start drinking, it’s not even noontime. So drinkless we went out of the bar and back to the digital world store and bought a very simple digital clock that not only gave us the correct time but we programmed it to say, on the hour every hour —
Not time for a drink – Not time for a drink.