Planning for a plumber happens when you are building a new home, remodeling, or are changing something that is piped.
If you are looking for a plumber in Marietta GA, in most cases it is because of an emergency. Planning for a plumber happens when you are building a new home, remodeling, or are changing something that is piped. Just about everything else is an emergency. By taking a little time you can have a plumber’s number on speed dial when and if you need the service.
When emergencies happen, often a person is relegated to picking the first company. This is fine, but it can be a costly choice. Some states require all or a few trades in the construction business to be licensed, bonded, and insured. The few trades that are usually required for licensing are plumbers, electricians, and HVAC installers.
The reasons for licensing in some areas are past abuses in the professions by amateurs. Areas of huge expansion of building found that the building practices were shoddy and the residents were left holding the bill for damages in new homes. Other reasons are these three trades, if done improperly can cause serious damage and costs to homeowners.
Plumbing issues can destroy large portions of a home in very little time. A single leak can pump out thirty gallons in a couple of minutes. Think about that happening on the second level bath while you are out of town for a few days.
Do an online search for plumbers in your area. Look for licensed, bonded, and insured. Call different companies for their normal and emergency rates. Ask about any other fees that may be added in emergencies.
Call the state registrar to make sure the license is current. If the company belongs to the BBB, call them. Ask both entities if the company has any open complaints. If they do, ask about the status of the complaints and how many have been satisfactorily handled.
Just a little bit of time can save you money when you need a plumber in Marietta GA. Search online. Call to check license and consumer happiness. Put the number in your speed dial. If a leak happens, you will be ready.