These modern glass tables are capable of enriching your room with more space and make the atmosphere inside your house lighter and more airy.
So the pros and cons of glass dining tables, huh. Well, they certainly have quite a few of good points to them – mostly the aesthetics qualities. These modern glass tables are capable of enriching your room with more space (without actually increasing the actual space) and make the atmosphere inside your house lighter and more airy. Well, if you choose the ones that fit well, that is. There is a chance of you buying a glass table that will look like and eyesore, so choose well.
Well, beauty aside, some things need to be said about the functional qualities of the material. For example, we can talk about the difficulty of cleaning glass surfaces. Well, it shouldn’t be news to you, since it is a pretty well known fact. People usually need to buy special cleaning substances, but even then quite a significant amount of effort is required in order to rub the glass top clean. Not only that, but also you need to it on a regular basis, as the glass material is so transparent that even smallest blemishes are noticeable.
Moreover, the glass material is very easy to break – and that means that if you have kids in your house, then they are exposed to a very big danger. This is not fiction – the statistics tell that in US 20000 people every year are getting injured because of shattered glass tables – usually light and medium scratches and cuts. Still, a pretty alarming number. You can reduce the risks by buying sturdier materials – tempered glass, for example. Those are many times stronger than regular glass materials, so it is essentiall to choose those tables made of this material.
As with buying any other kind of furniture, you need to buy modern glass dining table models that are not the cheapest. Cheap modern dining sets are cheap for a reason – and usually a reason not very positive. You could say that furniture is sometimes overpriced, but in my experience it is better to be safe, than sorry.