Wind energy versus residential solar power is an issue that gives basic consideration to essential elements which include location, cost, durability and energy efficiency.
Wind energy versus residential solar power is an issue that gives basic consideration to essential elements which include location, cost, durability and energy efficiency. Solar powered systems are much easier to put together and construct by yourself than building a wind generator or wind turbine on your own. Naturally, these renewable energy resources greatly rely on solar power to run.
While solar powered systems may come with batteries that can be charged with solar energy in order for them to be used at night, solar panels are still totally dependent on sunlight. Although wind power does not suffer from this limitation, it still has its share of restrictions like being dependent on wind speed.
Not every location on the planet can benefit from the renewable energy of wind power. Solar power may be comparatively cheaper to adopt, dependent on the particular solar panels you choose. The same idea applies when durability is concerned, as some solar panels need to be protected from harmful weather conditions. Wind powered systems must likewise endure the bitterly cold winter.
If energy generating capability is to be considered, you should check out the bigger solar powered systems and compare these to wind powered systems. For obvious reasons, DIY solar panel units can only produce so much energy. If compared to home-made DIY wind generators, solar powered systems will still generate less energy because of its size and the quality of the solar panels used.
In the final analysis, the answer to whether to use a solar powered system or a wind energy system depends a lot on what your household requires. If there is an abundance of wind power in the location you are living in, then you must take advantage of this and utilize wind energy.
However, you can still rely on green renewable energy, solar power in particular. After all, when that much wind is not available, you can always rely on the sun.