They are typically constructed of wood, or a combination of wood and glass.
Just about everybody owns curios, novelties and any number of other usually small objects which could be exhibited to great advantage in a corner display cabinet rather than being squirreled away in boxes and drawers. Perhaps you already have a corner display cabinet for the household collection, but if not, why not? The living room, hallway, or dining area can be given a large infusion of style and interest by adding a corner display cabinet. They are typically constructed of wood, or a combination of wood and glass, so it is very possible to choose a piece to suit both the budget and decor.
Online shopping sites offer a huge variety of cabinets to select from and make it very easy to compare sizes, styles, materials, and prices. An expensive, more ornate display cabinet will very easily run well over $1000, while something on the larger order but made more simply will usually cost from $200 – $500. Many of the small cabinets are obtainable for under $100.
A small, simple-but-classy wooden display cabinet is a very effective way to display many objects very attractively and is easily found online at very affordable prices. For instance, Overstock.com sells a Wooden 5-Tier Corner Bookshelf for $90. Northern Trading Company sells Oak Finish Arched Corner Display Cabinets for only $30.
Typically a corner display cabinet with glass will be costlier than a wood-only piece, and is usually constructed of wood with glass panels and/or insets. Currently, Home Decorator’s Collection offers reasonably priced glass corner cabinets for $290 in a choice of brown or tan wood. Second-hand shops also sell many glass and wood corner# display cabinets, while very interesting and elegant antique cabinets are for sale on Bonanzle.com, Ruby Lane, and eBay. Many such antique items need little or no repair and would add an elegant, old-fashioned touch to any living room space.