Garden lights have a very practical purpose, and that is to illuminate the garden area during the night
Gardens are beautiful to look at and be in, with its numerous plants, landscaped grass, and colorful flowers. Some gardens, who have a practical purpose, can still look beautiful with its colorful and fresh vegetables and fruits. When nighttime comes, however, gardens will need artificial light in order to be appreciated visually. To do this, garden lighting can be used.
Garden lights have a very practical purpose, and that is to illuminate the garden area during the night. It can be used to as soft light to add ambience to sections of the garden, or illuminate paths to walk on and areas to stay in. Some can even be used to eliminate pests and insects that bother guests.
But garden lights have also been designed creatively, going beyond just simple lamp posts or lanterns. Many garden lights have ornate designs, each specific to the design of the whole garden. And this has been true since man first designed gardens and illuminated them artificially.
In ancient times, gardens were lit with simple fuels, using oil and firewood, placed on braziers that would have numerous designs. Sometimes, the wood that is used have ingredients that act as natural pesticides, both illuminating the garden and repelling insects.
Eventually, new sources of fuel would be developed, such as wax for candles, different oils for lamps, and so on. With these new developments, even the technology and the design of the garden lights would change. During the 19th century, the design of the lamp posts used in gardens would be heavily influenced by the garden’s style itself.
With the dawn of electricity came electric powered lights, and the very first versions of electric garden lights were connected directly to the nearby building or house’s power. This continued to be the trend until the advancements in battery technology and all-weather designs. Soon, garden lights would become battery powered, allowing for easy placement without the issues brought about by wires and circuits.
Today’s modern garden lights have advanced technology, and can even be powered independently using photovoltaics. They can even be programmed to turn on at a certain time of day, or even when it senses movement around a garden planter. Modern lights are also very durable and weather resistant, allowing them to function in rain and snow.
Garden lights will continue to advance along with our technology, ensuring that gardens in the future will continue to be illuminated.