Futon beds are the ideal solution for small homes and apartments, because they work as both sofas and beds, and you don’t get the sore backs like you would get if you used a sleeper sofa.
So many people live in small apartments these days and most of them are looking for ways to increase their living space. Other than knocking down the walls into your neighbours apartment there doesn’t seem to be a lot of options. But there is one way that you are able to increase how much living space you have without knocking down any walls. Futon beds are the ideal solution for small homes and apartments, because they work as both sofas and beds, and you don’t get the sore backs like you would get if you used a sleeper sofa.
Beds like this are so easy and safe to raise and lower that children can do it. Depending on the material used to make them they can be light and easy to move around too. Rather than having hundreds of moving parts, these beds just lower down into place with the release of a lever or two and there you have it, a full sized bed, ready to use.
Futon beds have been changing over the years and not only are they really functional pieces but they are now very beautiful as well. These beds are available in a number of different size, materials, colors and so on, so matching them to your décor is not hard. There are a number of types of futon mattress available to you can get something to suit your preferences, these beds also cost very little compared to sleeper sofas and also in comparison to many regular beds.
Pretty much every furniture store in the land will stock futon beds. These days I’m sure you will notice that there are specialist futon stores appearing all over the country, they generally only sell futons and futon mattresses, so if you want to pick from a great selection these are the types of store that you want to go to.