Manufacturers include 20 year warranties with their beds because they know by doing so they will sell a lot more mattresses.
Many people can sleep on the same mattress for decades without even giving any thought to replacing it, either they own a top quality model which really stands the test of time, or more likely, they’ve not noticed any decline in its performance because it’s happened so very gradually. If you’ve purchased a mattress with a warranty which lasts more than a decade it might be in your interest to get rid of it early to prevent help problems.
Many manufacturers include 20 year warranties with their beds because they know by doing so they will sell a lot more mattresses. The funny thing is barely any one actually makes use of these guarantees at all and simply buy a new one when they feel they need to, since companies know this it makes it very profitable for them to include these ridiculous guarantees in full knowledge that their beds could never last this long functioning at an optimum level.
The problem this creates for us the consumers is that we are lulled into a false sense of confidence in our mattresses; we think that it is designed to last two decades because of its huge warranty, but this is often far from the case. If you like to sleep on a very firm mattress you will find that the springs begin to be less supportive as time goes on; the sad thing is you may not even notice because the change is so gradual. Take the time to really evaluate the performance of your mattress after a few years, is it really holding up the way you would expect it too. Often times just by laying down and playing close attention you can feel whether your are sinking into the bed too much, you may even notice uncomfortable springs that are sticking out just beneath the surface if the bed that you were previously unaware of. If you think this to be the case you may wish to purchase a new single mattress.
If you’d like to find out how to buy the perfect cot mattress for your baby you can read this next post, I’m sure you’ll find it most enlightening.