Outdoor camping lanterns can hang by a cabin or tent, or they can light the way during the night hours of a camping trip
Pottery Barn editors do a lot of traveling. They journey to locations where many homes have a mansard roof, and they dine in restaurants where some of the food is placed under a French cloche. Therefore, while they might not do much camping, they have learned a good deal about an object that can guide a camper— the outdoor lantern.
The PB catalogue for July of 2010 has two pages that reveal all sorts of outdoor lanterns. The backdrop in that picture shows a location where many people have chosen to go camping, a spot along the ocean. The PB editors suggest the way that souvenirs gathered on a camping trip can be used to personalize a group of outdoor candle lanterns.
Each of the lights pictured in PB’s catalogue contains a candle, one that is surrounded by stones, shells or other beach related objects. While these lights do not have one uniform shape, the catalogue information states that they are meant to be displayed together. Indeed, the published photograph shows a mixed collection of outdoor hanging lanterns.
Readers of that publication can easily picture a camper grabbing one or two of the hanging items, and taking them along on a camping trip. Each of those items has a sturdy metal handle. Some are large enough to hold two or more candles. Therefore, they can emit a good deal of light.
Maybe the recent Pottery Barn publication aims to aid any summertime campers. It does not include a single picture of an outdoor wall lantern. While such an item might appeal to a homeowner, the person who plans to sleep in a tent, or under the stars, would have little use for such an object.
He or she needs to search out lights crafted by those skilled lantern-makers that copy the lights of New England, or those that make lights with a cathedral-like style. Such hanging lights are sold under labels such as “Capri,” “Bristol” and “Arches.” Such lights were desiged to accomodate both multiple candles and interesting souvenirs, souvenirs from a visited beach. They can hang by a cabin or tent, or they can light the way during the night hours of a camping trip.
Other uses of an outdoor lantern can be used to decorate a cabin or camping theme room. You can even go as far as using a canoe with some paddles to help decorate as well. Their are many ideas in catalogues on how to decorate your room with this theme. Especially if you are a camper then you know exactly what you will need to outfit a room with the appropriate stuff.