You should keep the sewing machine on a table or floor (table recomended) or at a hard place where it will not slide
If you are a beginner and planning to start sewing clothes or just want to gather some information about the leather sewing machines, here are some of the basic tips and techniques that you should be aware of, which can help you in sewing fabrics using sewing machines manufactured for use at home.
Very first point is where to place the sewing machine. You should keep the sewing machine on a table or floor (table recomended) or at a hard place where it will not slide when you run the machine moter at high speed. This will make sure that their is no physical damage to your leather sewing machine and will avoid injuries. Keeping a sewing machine at firm place is the very first point.
Second point is to make sure you have a proper sewing needle in place as per the fabric you are going to stitch. Generally needles are available in market from needle number 7 to needle number 18, where needle 7 is the most thinnest and finer needle while needle number 18 is the most thicket and made for use on tough fabric like denim or leather. If you use too fine sewing needle for heavy material then the needle will break and you have to keep on changing the needle every some time.
Now make sure that all their is no oil on the outer part of the sewing machine (machine is generally oiled at its moving parts and other parts that rub each other as a part of maintenance for you leather sewing machines). If any oil is their then just clean that area else it will put strains on your fabric and as you know its very difficult to remove oil strains from any fabric. Once you have taken care of these three points, you can start sewing your fabric as you want to sew.