This book has an easy learning curve and tells you which recipes are for beginners and which are only suitable for more advanced bread makers.
A common mistake people make when buying bread makers is to assume that they don’t need a recipe book. Baking bread in a machine is a lot easier than doing it by hand, but it still takes some practice and skill to get right. Many bread machines come with a booklet of recipes, but for the best recipes you need to buy a recipe book.
It’s also important to keep in mind that the first loaf of bread you make with your machine will probably be underwhelming to say the least. Even though a bread machine can do most things for you, it can’t provide the ingredients in the correct amounts. This is why a recipe book is so important if you want to make the best bread. Anyone can through together some random ingredients and hope it makes good bread, but you need to have some skill to get it right. The learning curve is relatively shallow, but it still takes a bit of time to get right.
For example, Easy Bread Machine Bible – a book by Anne Sheasby – comes with over 100 recipes. It also has an easy learning curve and tells you which recipes are for beginners and which are only suitable for more advanced bread makers.
Another good book is Fresh Bread in the Morning from your Bread Machine buy an author called Annette Yates. This is often said to be the gold standard of bread making books, as the recipes are laid out clearly and in an easy to follow way. If you’re going to buy one bread making book then this is a good one to choose.
Bread Maker Review is a website dedicated to bread makers, and you can see their top five bread making books by clicking the link. Other books in their list include “The Bread Book” and “Dough”.