Bathroom caddies are usually tall plastic rods designed to fit right at the corner of your shower area
Apart from the usual and obvious shower needs, there are some things that you might want to consider in constructing your walk in shower stall. Shower essentials need their own place. While it may defy a minimalist style, there has to be an accessory nook and there are a few choices. Others opt to settle for the floor but esthetically speaking, this is a bit of an eyesore.
If you are still in the process of constructing or remodeling, a niche can be carved within the concrete portion of walk-in shower stalls. It can be situated anywhere from underneath your shower head to the walls or corners.
A ledge may be incorporated as well. You can choose between ceramic or glass screwed to the walls. In contrast to the niche type which does not go beyond the walls, this protrudes at a distance just enough to house a few walk in shower must-haves. Hanging organizers are another option. These come in plastic, rustproof metal or in an appropriate fabric. Hooks need to be installed though as these organizers are hung on the walls.
Bathroom caddies are usually tall plastic rods designed to fit right at the corner of your shower area. This type of organizer is supported by vacuum-type rubber stops on both ends. These are designed to reach the ceiling to provide enough grip and prevent them from toppling over. This can house enough shower accessories as it is provided with a number of receptacles to maximize its height.
Seats can serve as an organizer, too. If you do not want drilling or cutout areas on your wall, then a seat can serve a dual purpose. Have a seat designed to let you sit and relax and at the same time place your shampoo and shower gel bottles. This way, the lines in your shower stall are kept at a minimum and display utter simplicity.