Walnut floor manufacturers can create several different colors of engineered walnut flooring, ranging from bronze to a deep cocoa brown
There are many ways to develop character in a floor. A plush carpet or large area rugs provide areas of texture change from the hard surface underneath, but what about wood floors? How can you develop character with a something like a walnut floor? If you’re planning a renovation or building a new home, the answer is simple. Create a pattern on the floor with the wooden planks.
There are as many ways of creating patterns as you can imagine. From the simple parallel lines of a standard uniform floor to intricate cross-hatching where short planks are placed alternately at right-angles to each other to using smaller planks to build larger areas of flooring, there are few limits to what you can accomplish. You can use uniform colors from the same species of walnut tree, or you can mix colors from different walnuts.
Designs can be geometric in nature, such as the cross-hatch, or they can be more abstract. A very simple plan is to lay out a design in a standard fashion, then remove square sections an equal distance apart. Now you have perhaps nine squares where you can turn the planks at right-angles to the formerly uniform parallel lines using the same wood. If that is still too plain, create circles instead.
If you are flooring a hallway, a series of wooden diamonds proceeding along the length of the hallway could guide visitors through the house. Walnut floor manufacturers can create several different colors of engineered walnut flooring, ranging from bronze to a deep cocoa brown. These colors could be used to create a gradient effect in the diamonds, starting lighter at the door and continuing to get darker towards the end of the hallway. For some extra contrast, the uniform flooring around them could reverse the effect, starting cocoa at the door and bronze at the end.
If you are flooring your entire home or office with walnut flooring, perhaps you should consider making each room similar to the next. A line border of dark Brazilian walnut surrounding a floor of white walnut sapwood creates a dramatic effect which can be repeated throughout your home or office. Finally, if you are flooring an office, using the different colors of walnut available to create your company’s logo and inlay it in the floor of the reception area creates a very dramatic effect.